The Zen Shop

The Zen Shop


Posted 2013-11-05 by Tammy Faceyfollow
I need to be more 'zen' I heard a girl say once to her friend. I've heard this phrase before, but didn't quite know what it meant. In a bid to learn more about what being 'zen' is, I visited in Digbeth.

is reminiscent of my Auntie's home. Ever since I was little she's been burning incense sticks, reading tarot cards, and talking about the cosmos. It also smelled the same too; the fragrance of burning oils makes for a heady mix, and I felt like I was in my Auntie's living room, aged seven, again.

The shop is full to the brim of a everything spiritual, (you might say too-full), and is slightly overstuffed with all manner of things that come under the umbrella of 'alternative'.

That's what I like about it though; the rather weird looking ornaments may scare you if you're not used to them, but the more frightening shapes are apparently meant to warn off the demons of the other plane. Interestingly the shop keeper confided she owns a handful of scarier creations and it makes her feel safer.

I was drawn to the handmade leather bound and embossed books, however. Pretty covers always attract the magpie in me, and the books on sale at Zen Shop weren't merely for decorative purposes.

Candles, crystals, and largest selection of incense sticks were before me as I entered.

From relatively 'normal' essential oil scents, to fruity and more exotic, they seemed to stock every type. They also also encourage you to make your own perfume from oils and dried flowers, which you can use to fragrance a bath.

On the top shelf to the left of the shop, is the largest selection of Buddhas, in gold, wood, and coatings of silver. Small, large, and medium sized, they range in prices of £10 - £50.

Although the Zen Shop is concerned with spirituality it is mostly about the self, the cosmos, and being in touch with 'you' to ensure a happy and long life.

Based only a five minute walk from the Custard Factory, I wouldn't say I found my 'zen', but I did feel somewhat enlightened and a lot more relaxed upon my exit.

67490 - 2023-01-26 01:23:07


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