We All Know How This Ends: In Conversation with Anna Lyons & Louise Winter

We All Know How This Ends: In Conversation with Anna Lyons & Louise Winter


Posted 2021-04-10 by dpmfollow

Mon 26 Apr 2021

Authors Anna Lyons and Louise Winter will be interviewed about their new book We All Know How This Ends in a free online event. End-of-life doula Anna and funeral director Louise will be reading excerpts from the book and answering questions from journalist Diane Parkes and the public.

The event on Monday April 26 between 7-8.30pm is the latest in a series of In Conversation With online discussions organised by Birmingham-based BrumYODO. A community interest company, BrumYODO stages art and cultural events aiming to encourage open and honest conversation about death and dying. We All Know How This EndsYour text goes here follows successful In Conversation With events featuring artists Mohammed Ali and Luke Jerram and comedian and radio presenter Robin Ince.

We All Know How This Ends: Lessons about life and living from working with death and dying was published by Bloomsbury in March 2021 to critical acclaim. In the book, Anna and Louise bring their wealth of knowledge to the subjects of death, funerals, grief and loss as well as featuring stories, insight and memories from people from all backgrounds.

Together, Anna and Louise are the team behind the website and festival Life. Death. Whatever. whose mission is to redesign the dialogue around death and dying, and as a result, shift people's ideas of life, living, illness, funerals and grief. They believe this will provide people with a more empowered approach to end of life.

Diane Parkes is a freelance journalist and BrumYODO board member. She is head of brand and media at John Taylor Hospice in Birmingham but currently on a study sabbatical.

Diane said: "Louise and Anna's book is packed full of information and helps us all to better understand death, dying, funerals and grief. I am looking forward to quizzing them about their reasons behind writing the book and how they feel it helps contribute to the growing momentum for opening up society to talk about death and dying. Our previous In Conversations With events have been fascinating with lively discussion and some great questions from our online audiences."

We All Know How This Ends forms part of BrumYODO's online programme for this year's A Matter of Life and Death Festival, an annual arts and culture event coinciding with the nationwide Dying Matters Awareness Week in May. This year's festival also features an open-air artwork, In Memoriam by Luke Jerram, in Aston Park between May 8-16, presented in partnership with Birmingham Hippodrome.

People from Birmingham and beyond are also being invited to take part in a flag-making activity inspired by In Memoriam. Completed flags can be placed in people's windows or gardens with photographs being sent to BrumYODO to be featured in an online gallery.

Tickets for We All Know How This Ends are free but need to be booked in advance at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/we-all-know-how-this-ends-in-conversation-with-anna-lyons-louise-winter-tickets-149180271207?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

For more information on In Memoriam see: www.brumyodo.org.uk/2021-in-memoriam

!date 26/04/2021 -- 26/04/2021
70388 - 2023-01-26 01:46:39


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