The Wallace Collection - Armoury
The Wallace Collection can be found in the secluded Manchester Square, just minutes away from the ever-busy Oxford Street. Its location means that it is somewhat of a 'hidden gem', but this is also true when the museum is compared to its more prominent counterparts.
While it may not attract the number of visitors that the likes of the Imperial War Museum, British Museum, V&A Museum and Natural History Museum do, the Wallace Collection is still one of London's most impressive collections.
As another review on this site states:
the Wallace collection specialises in 18th century art, furniture and sculpture, but its superlative collection is its 18th century armoury.
The Wallace Collection armoury offers an experience unlike any other in London, if not the world, and is arguably deserving of its own review. The armoury is a diverse collection of British, European, Indian, Ottoman and Japanese arms, and when assembled under one roof the items are an overwhelmingly breathtaking sight. Items such as cannons and suits of armour for both man and horse are perfectly preserved, and many are in such good condition that it is hard to contemplate their true age.
The collection as a whole is magnificent spectacle, but it is the armoury that steals the show. Both deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as any of their contemporaries and are must-sees for any visitor to the capital, whether they are a history buff or not.
The collection describes their armoury as 'world class'. They aren't wrong. It offers something for visitors of all ages, who are likely to be captivated by the sight of so many historic pieces.
The Wallace Collection is open to the public daily from 10-5pm except from December 24th-26th.
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