The Vintage Hen House
Down Spring Head lane you'll find the most unlikely, and rather beautiful, furniture store, . It's a family run business selling vintage furniture and shabby chic accessories for the home.
It's only a small shop, which means it only sells a select amount of the said furniture piece. The size of the shop means they can also be particular - there's generally 'one" of everything, but quantities double for the pillows, cushions, notepads and other stationery items. As I said the 'one' of everything are unusual, and bespoke pieces; there's a large, vintage leather trunk for £70, which looked as though it had been on many treks around the world. A large wooden dresser sits proudly in the middle of the shop, and would undoubtedly be deemed to have 'character' by a professional home designer.
The quite simply darling Vintage Hen House couldn't be a further cry from what you'd expect in town. A fellow customer echoed my thoughts as she mentioned to the shop owner that there's nothing like this in Wednesbury while we both fondled the delicate trinkets.
It was the terribly quaint and originally crafted items that took my fancy. From the polished brass tea pot that reminded me of how my Nanny way of makes tea, to the 1920's metal photo frames, and wicker picnic baskets, I fell head over heels for this shop.
It's not just a pretty front however, the Vintage Hen House use local craft suppliers for their wares, so you're truly buying something that has been crafted in the Midlands. When it seems everything in the home-ware industry is created by mass European and East Asian brands, it's quite warming to know the teacup I was adoring over was probably made by a talented individual nearby.
Their business may be with items of the past, but they're social media savvy, see their
Facebook and
Twitter pages are rich with information about their craft makers, what's new in, and what they're doing next.
67318 - 2023-01-26 01:21:56