The Royal Kitchens @ Kew Palace
Sat 04 May 2013 - Thu 26 Sep 2013
Mad, bad, and dangerous to know. No, I'm not talking about Lord Byron. I'm talking about the Hanoverian kings of Britain. George IV was particularly unpleasant, and although he would never win any popularity contests, you can always say that he kept his chefs employed. The man definitely knew how to eat, and in true Georgian fashion, you'll also be able to wine, dine, and feast in a food frenzy season at Kew Palace.
For the first time since 1818, Kew Palace has opened up
The Royal Kitchens . Be one of the first to see them since the death of Queen Charlotte.
Learn all about the kitchens' history on a grand tour. The first stop will be to the little kitchen garden, filled with vegetable beds and fruit trees. This and other food was prepared in four different rooms, including a bakery, fish & meat storage area, vegetable scullery, and wash room. The most impressive room is The Great Kitchen: double doors, high ceilings, roasting range, charcoal grill, pastry oven - a kitchen fit for a king.
Find out who worked in the kitchen, from the master chef to the lowly porter, discover what was on the menu for a typical three-course meal, and on certain dates, see
live Georgian cookery demonstrations . There will also be a chance for some gourmet tasting.
Tea Tasting
13th June & 4th August, 6pm, £20
Learn about how tea gripped our nation in the 17th century, and taste a range of flavoured teas from China and Taiwan, including white, green, oolong, black and puerh.
The Curator's Tea at Kew
9th July, 5pm-6.45pm, £30
Ask the curator, Polly Putnam, any questions you might have about the Royal Kitchens over a spot of afternoon tea. She will discuss George III's breakfast service, and get out her measuring tape to show the heights of the royal princes in 1769.
Georgian Feasting
8th August & 26th September, £120
Enjoy a drink in the Queen's garden, a tour of the palace, and have an incredible feast in the dinning room, where Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 80th birthday. This Georgian style dinner will include guest speakers, who will guide you through the experience.
!date 04/05/2013 -- 26/09/2013
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