The Brigham Young University Jazz Legacy Band UK Tour

The Brigham Young University Jazz Legacy Band UK Tour


Posted 2023-07-09 by Tony Collinsfollow

Fri 14 Jul 2023 - Sun 23 Jul 2023

A jazz band belonging to a Mormon university in America is making its first-ever UK tour to take part in an annual music festival. The Brigham Young University Jazz Legacy Band was formed around 60 years ago at the university in Utah, named after the then-president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who founded the institution in the late 19th century. The current band, which is entirely comprised of current students aged 19 to 25, will now be performing four concerts during the 10-day Birmingham Jazz & Blues Festival , which runs from 14 to 23 July.

The BYU Jazz Legacy Band, which also visits Scotland as part of its UK tour, will perform its first jazz festival concert in Birmingham's Hippodrome Square on 17 July, followed by further appearances, at The Brasshouse on Broad Street on 20 July, the Water’s Edge Bandstand at Brindleyplace on 21 July, and Velvet Music Rooms, Broad Street, later the same day on 21 July. It will be a completely new experience for the students who have never been to the UK before, never mind Birmingham's busy entertainment centre.

The Brigham Young University Jazz Legacy Band

Dr Kristen Bromley, director of the BYU Jazz Legacy Band, who has previously performed individually in the UK, said: “We are so excited and thrilled to be coming to visit your amazing country and to perform at your festival. None of the band members drink alcohol but we are okay with performing at venues where alcohol is served.” The Jazz Legacy Band focuses on the jazz styles and music of the 1910s through to the 1930s, reflecting legendary players such as Louis Armstrong, Django Reinhardt and Benny Goodman.

Dr Bromley said of the band's forthcoming concerts: “Audiences can expect to be tapping their toes and dancing in their seats as soon as the band starts playing. They can also expect to go home feeling joyful, uplifted, and rejuvenated. She added that music was “incredibly important to the ethos" of the university. “BYU is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most of the students, faculty, and administrators are members of the church and, as a minimum, participate in singing hymns and the like at church.

The student band will be making its first visit to the UK

We believe that music is a divine gift, an eternal intelligence, something we did before we came to this earth and will continue to do in the eternities. Music is an important part of our worship services, as it is with most churches. It is also part of many of our celebrations and social gatherings. We especially treasure music that is uplifting and inspiring.” The university initially began a jazz big band to play for dances at the school before it started to offer jazz courses and ensembles as part of the curriculum.

The 39th Birmingham Jazz & Blues Festival is made up of almost 200 concerts and other events, most of them free to attend. For more information, visit:


222370 - 2023-07-08 13:27:02


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