The Beanstalk Project
Have you ever wanted to grow your own food, but were not sure where to start or what to do? Maybe you just don't have a big enough garden. There is always the choice of an allotment, but they cost money, and it can get expensive. Where I live my council charge the highest rates in the borough, and if you are not a seasoned gardener, it might seem like a waste of money when you don't know how to put the land to its best potential.
have found the solution. Make it free. The project offers families the chance to work together as a community, have fun, socialise, and grow your own produce.
is run by Ecolocal, who have developed a community allotment where people can take part in gardening and learn hands-on skills. The Carshalton Community Allotment is run by volunteers, who run sessions on Mondays from 1pm-3pm and Fridays from 10.30am-1pm. It is entirely free, and everyone who takes part can take their share of the harvest. As well as hands on training, you will also receive advice about your own food at home and get to take part in school holiday activities
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