Tamworth Fireworks Spectacular
Sat 02 Nov 2019
Tamworth's annual free fireworks spectacular went with a bang after defying recent torrential rain to attract thousands of people to the town's
Castle Grounds . The 11th annual pyrotechnic extravaganza, which took place on Saturday 2 November, was complemented with soundtrack music from some of television's greatest shows. There were fears earlier in the week that the event would not go ahead due to the heavy rain, but following site inspections, it was confirmed that the show must go on. And people from the Tamworth area and beyond responded enthusiastically with an estimated crowd of more than 14,000 visiting the town for the fireworks spectacular. As well as the dazzling display, people were also treated to fire performers, fairground rides, face painting, music played by Radio Tamworth and refreshment stalls.
This year's fireworks event was perfectly timed to music from TV shows old and new including
Dr Who, Stranger Things, The Apprentice and
The X-Files, with a stunning array of breath-taking pyrotechnics. Mayor of Tamworth, Councillor Richard Kingstone, was on hand to welcome audiences and introduce the display as it was launched into the skies above the Castle Grounds from the Radio Tamworth stage. The crowd-pleasing finale again resulted in rapturous applause from the audience and the event, organised by Tamworth Borough Council's
Arts and Events team, supported by the council's Street Scene team, was hailed another resounding success with many people describing it as the best yet.
Andrew Barratt, Tamworth Borough Council's Chief Executive, said: "
Providing a programme of high quality outdoor entertainment for families to enjoy free of charge is one of our priorities as a council and it's great to see so many thousands of people taking advantage of the opportunity. We were worried that due to recent heavy rainfalls the event would be postponed, but our Arts and Events team kept a close eye on the conditions and were able to go ahead and provide a great show. Our thanks go to them for another well organised event. This is a real community event enjoyed by thousands of Tamworth residents, but it also helps to attract new visitors to the town, which is a great boost to the local economy, as hopefully some will return to explore the other businesses and attractions we have to offer."
For more information about all the entertainment provided by Tamworth Borough Council's Arts and Events team throughout the year, please visit www.tamworthartsandevents.co.uk, where people can also sign up to the newsletter for the latest news and early bird offers.
!date 02/11/2019 -- 02/11/2019
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