Summer SPACE Scheme
From cricket and football, to basketball and tennis, there is no shortage of outdoor sporting sessions available for young people to enjoy in the Lichfield area of Staffordshire during the course of this year's summer holidays. Lichfield District Council is running a series of
SPACE activities this summer, thanks to funding obtained from the Staffordshire Police & Fire Commissioner. The sessions, which are free and aimed at children aged from 8 to 17, are taking place at various parks in Lichfield city and the neighbouring town of Burntwood, including Beacon Park, Shortbutts Park, Chase Terrace Park, Redwood Park and Cherry Close. Free activities on offer include cricket skills, foot and disc golf, penalty shootout, tennis skills, outdoor fitness, and basketball skills.
Councillor Richard Cox, the council's Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks & Waste, said: "
After so much time cooped up at home, it's wonderful to see activities for young people taking place this summer holiday. They offer great opportunities to burn off some energy and socialise in a safe environment. The sessions are outdoors to allow for social distancing and all the equipment will be cleaned before and after use. On top of a drink, we're asking participants to bring hand gel with them so they can sanitise their hands after using equipment. There are limited numbers at the sessions, so make sure you book in your child's slot to avoid disappointment!" All the sessions need to be booked in advance and a SPACE declaration form and Getin2it medical form also need to be completed before attending any of the activities.
Lichfield District Council has released the first two weeks of activities online at and will release the remainder of the summer holiday programme soon.
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