Summer Holidays @ Geffrye Museum
Tue 29 Jul 2014 - Fri 15 Aug 2014
Is the fridge door covered in your children's artwork? Is the creativity so prolific that you no longer have enough fridge magnets (or door space) to pin them up? Do you dread their return home from art class, wondering where to put their next wondrous creation?
Perhaps the answer is a different sort of art class. Every school holiday, the Geffrye Museum runs free workshops for 5 - 16 year olds and, this summer, the theme is 'Designer Homes and Gardens'. Three weeks of more fun creativity. Doesn't that mean three more weeks of fridge art, you ask?
Nope, the Geffrye Museum are offering activities far more exciting and useful than a simple drawing. So instead of buying another fridge, why not take them for some free
holiday workshops ?
There are two different classes a day (Tuesday - Friday); unless stated otherwise, classes are suitable for all ages. Any child under eleven must be accompanied by an adult.
31st July[/U]
Bug Baskets
10.30am - 12.30pm & 2 - 4pm, five years plus
Create baskets full of bugs using recycled materials.
Spice Up Your Life
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Created scented bag using spices and herbs.
1st August[/U]
Happy Squashy Houses
10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm, five years plus
Make a squashy house out of cardboard and cotton wool.
Painted Porcelain
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Paint ceramic plates, spoons, mugs, and more.
5th August[/U]
Minty Moments
10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm, five years plus
Make mint tea and decorative glasses to drink from.
Brilliant Bird Baths
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Make bird baths with plates and cups.
6 August[/U]
Woven Wonders
10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm, five years plus
Weave a basked ornament using clay.
Bean Bag Beasties
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Make animal bean bags.
Glorious Gardens
2pm - 4pm, 11 years plus
Design your own watercolour garden (fridge space possibly required).
7th August[/U]
Bowled Over
10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm, five years plus
Make a special bowl for your treasure.
Origami Ornaments
2pm - 3pm and 3pm - 4pm
Learn how to make origami.
8th August[/U]
Brilliant Birdy Clocks
10.30am - 12.30pm and 2pm - 4pm, five years plus
Make a real bird-themed working clock.
Flying Bird Mobiles
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Be inspired by museum items to create a flying bird mobile.
12th August[/U]
A Day Trip to the Geffrye
10.30am - 11.30am, 11.30am - 12.30pm & 2 - 3pm & 3 - 4pm
Create a postcard inspired by your trip to the Geffrye Museum.
Buzzy Bee Bonnets
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Make a beehive-shaped hat.
13th August[/U]
Bug Boppers
10.30am - 11.30am, 11.30am - 12.30pm, 2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Create an insect decoration for plant pots.
Brilliant Bunting
2pm - 3pm and 3pm - 4pm
Make bunting for outdoor parties and celebrations.
14th August[/U]
Garden Shrink Its
10.30am - 11.30am, 11.30am - 12.30pm, 2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Make key rings using shrinking plastic.
Peggy Pom Pom Pets
2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Turn pom poms into pets, using pegs, pipe cleaners, and goggly eyes.
15th August[/U]
Windy Windmills
10.30am - 11.30am, 11.30am - 12.30pm, 2pm - 3pm & 3pm - 4pm
Make light-catching windmills.
Marvellous Mirror Pictures
2pm - 3pm and 3pm - 4pm
Create a mirror picture decorated with plants (fridge space may be required).
!date 29/07/2014 -- 15/08/2014
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