Sugden Sports Centre

Sugden Sports Centre


Posted 2017-01-14 by Stephanie Kissfollow

It's January and I'm sure there are many eager beavers who had one too many mince pies over Christmas and are ready to shed their winter coat! I know I did. But getting up and forcing yourself to do something about it can be a bit daunting.

Exercise is not just a one-time thing. (apparently!)
Eating well for a few hours and wondering why you still weigh the same weight, or coming in after a half-an-hour session at the gym and wondering why there are no visible results straight away? We've all been there. Students especially find it hard to commit to gym time because of endless coursework, and any spare time is spent socialising with friends or catching up on sleep.

Well, what happens if I were to tell you there's a way to keep fit, whilst socialising with friends and an optional snooze at the end?

The answer is yoga. For anyone who has Instagram, you'll have seen post after post about the amazing effects of yoga. I wasn't 100% convinced, but unable to drag myself to the gym, I booked and paid for a yoga class. I did a little research into classes in my area, but decided to go with the class at . At £4.75 for an hour session, and students able to pay on their Metcard; it was a no-brainer.

The pre-booking thing is clever; already handing my money over meant I felt obliged to go. So if you're a bit tight like me, there's no getting out of it! The website informs you what difficulty the class is and was pretty straight forward once I'd signed up.

I chose a beginner's class to ease myself back into exercise but for anyone more advanced, there's a 'yoga fitness' class too; which I assume is more intense.

With it being my first time attending I had no idea where the mats were, but someone pointed me in the right direction. Two of my friends came with me who were both new to yoga as well for a bit of moral support.

The Yoga instructor was lovely. The whole class had a relaxed feel to it and I didn't feel embarrassed at all like I sometimes do in the gym. The actual yoga was easy enough, nothing too strenuous, and the instructor walks around and helps you one-on-one if you're not holding a pose quite right. The best part for me though was right at the end, all the lights were turned off and we basically just had to lie down for 5 minutes and let 'our eyes deepen into our sockets.' Sleeping is what I do best, so this was great for me!

On a serious note though, I left the class on a natural high, feeling positive and motivated and although the class wasn't too strenuous, you definitely feel achy the next morning; – but that's good right?

Overall 10/10 and I've already booked my class for next week.

71150 - 2023-01-26 01:51:55


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