State of the Art Cinema Exhibition
Tue 29 Jul 2014 - Fri 22 Aug 2014
How do you find out about a film? Is it through word of mouth, a trailer, or perhaps you see a poster on a billboard.
What makes you want to go and see the film? Is it the way it's described or how visually exciting it looks?
Some movies posters inspire, while others leave you cold, but what makes one a success and another a flop?
Strand Gallery is exploring everything to do with the wonderful world of
State of the Art Cinema , which is a movie poster & photography exhibition that runs until the 22nd August. From the latest releases to upcoming films, find out what makes a poster great.
Imagine for a moment that you have been commissioned to make a poster for a movie - let's say
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There you are with your blank canvas? Where do you start? It is just like a writer faced with a blank piece of paper before writing the first word of their novel.
How you present the poster depends on what the film is. For example, if it is a sequel, maybe you don't want to give too much away, but simply tease the audience - let them know the next film is coming out, but not tell them what it is going to be about. If it is an entirely new concept, then you'll probably have to provide a bit more information, so audiences know what they are in for.
Other questions you have to consider is how prominent the credits are going to be. Star actors are probably going to have their names in bold.
Is the poster going to be a photograph or is it going to be an illustration?
The exhibit is free, and while there you will be able to admire the artwork, photography, and learn about the designers who made them. Film themes include Out of this World, Adventure, Family Heroes, Thrillers & Chillers, Britain On Film, Cinematic Comedies, and Down To Earth Drama.
If you get inspired by what you see, then there is also the opportunity to enter a competition to
create your own movie poster , which will give you the chance to work as a professional designer for a future movie release.
!date 29/07/2014 -- 22/08/2014
65070 - 2023-01-20 01:57:04