Speed Dating in Nottingham

Speed Dating in Nottingham


Posted 2017-05-29 by Susan J Bowesfollow

Wed 18 Jul 2018

Dating at any age can be daunting. Will we have enough to talk about? What will we talk about? Can he dance, or sing, or play football? The list goes on and on. We all have a criteria in our heads of what we want in another person, yet sometimes who we choose as our mate can be different from what we first imagined.

So then came along the invention of speed dating. Most speed dating was designed for participants to have a three-minute chat to each of the people in the room. After that three-minute chat, they were to move onto the next table, quickly jotting down or trying to remember which person they liked the best.

After consultation with people, it was suggested that Slow Dating could be preferable to Speed Dating as it gave people one extra minute for chatting and thirty seconds to jot down some notes before moving onto the next person. Although four minutes isn't enough time to really get to know someone, it can give you time to make your mind up whether you wish to see that person again.

We have all been told over the years that a "first impression" can be a very lasting one and this impression does not take very long to be made. Some psychologists believe that an impression can take as little as one-tenth of a second. Many opinions depend on the facial features, speech and accents, physical appearance and personality,

Even as we go about our daily lives, interacting with people at work, at the shops, at sporting activities etc, most of us are unaware of just how much of an impression we may have made on others or indeed what we may have thought of them. When you become aware that this is a natural occurrence in all of us, it can be a very interesting experience.

On the 18th July at Pitcher and Piano in Nottingham , you may like to book a place for a night of speed dating. This event is sponsored by Slow Dating Nottingham and you can expect to meet between twelve to fifteen people on the night. Any more people and you will not only be exhausted but may find it hard to remember what characteristics related to which person.

Events throughout the year are held for different age groups and this night is for the 37-52 age group. This is selling out fast with only three female spaces left but plenty of male spaces. Cost is £20 per person. Bookings can be made through their [LINK=https://www.slowdating.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fprotected%2fbook.aspx%3fEventId%3d106652&EventId=106652]website.
If you miss out on this event in Nottingham , other nights are planned for the year, not only in Nottingham but in numerous other cities throughout England. Click on the Find an Event page on their website for more information.

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