Skiplex Kids' Summer Camp
Mon 22 Jul 2013 - Fri 30 Aug 2013
Skiplex opened its first indoor skiing school at the Dukes Meadows Golf & Tennis Club in October 2011. Located in Chiswick, their highly trained instructors teach people of all ages and abilities; they also use state of the art ski slopes which can be rotated to adjust the steepness and speed you want to go at.
At the moment they are offering a special
Kids' Summer Camp that runs until the 30th August. Sessions are two hours long and cost £25 each or £99 for a week. Depending on how many classes you book, your children will learn basic skiing skills up to advanced parallel turns.
The camp is for anyone five and over with designated time slots. Monday to Fridays classes are at 9am for 5-10 year olds and 11.30am for those over ten. Skiplex also have weekend classes for all ages between 9am-11am.
As well as being able to take part in competitions, races, snowboarding, and treasure hunts, they will also learn practical skills as well. These include map reading, first aid, and learning how use equipment.
At the end of their course, they will be awarded with a certificate, indicating which level they reached (there are ten levels all together).
To book a place, you can call 020 8994 3314.
!date 22/07/2013 -- 30/08/2013
63514 - 2023-01-20 01:38:42