SeaCity Museum Easter School Holiday Program

SeaCity Museum Easter School Holiday Program


Posted 2018-03-23 by Tasha Jfollow
SeaCity Museum has fun exhibitions and activities throughout the year for families and kids, including their year-round Titanic exhibits and their current exhibition dedicated to the past and present of Southampton Football Club . If you're planning a visit to the museum during the Easter school holidays, why not book your kids for an extra school holiday activity at the same time. The Easter school holidays run from Friday March 30th till Sunday April 15th. Here's a guide to what's on offer at SeaCity Museum during this holiday period.

Toddler Time - Easter Chicks
Thursday April 5th, 10.30-11.30
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This is a fun and simple Easter themed activity aimed at younger kids. They'll have a special tour of the museum tailored for toddlers, followed by a craft session where they'll get to decorate a baby chick photo frame using coloured paper, feathers, glitter and other fun things. They can have fun making a mess and crafting at the museum, so you don't have to be the one cleaning it up at home.
Cost: £4
Ages 18m-4y

Titanic Musical Theatre Workshop
Friday April 6th, 10am-3pm
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This musical theatre workshop is presented in conjunction with the Mayflower Theatre, where Titanic the Musical is on stage from April 12th-21st. The 5-hour workshop will look target all areas of musical theatre - music, dance and drama - and kids will work together to stage their own mini-musical theatre performance for friends and family. Kids will need to bring along a packed lunch.
Cost: £10
Ages 8-14y

Discover Titanic
Tuesday April 10th, 10am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-3.30pm
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Another Titanic-themed activity, Discover Titanic will take children on a tour through the museum's permanent Titanic exhibition. This is an ever-growing exhibition that explores Southampton's relationship with the RMS Titanic, the lives of the crew and passengers, and the story of the short voyage and sinking of the ship. It's a great way for kids to really engage with the history of the Titanic.
Cost: £6
Ages 5-11y

Saints Mad!
Wednesday April 11th, 10.30am-3pm
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An activity that will likely appeal to many young football fanatics, 'Saints Mad!' is a special activity tied in with the museum's current Southampton Football Club Exhibition. Kids will get a special tour through the We March On exhibition and can enjoy some themed craft activities including designing their own football shirts. Children will need to bring a packed lunch. Any children under 8 will need a parent present for the duration of the activity.
Cost: £18
Ages 7-13y

Titanic Family Day
Saturday April 14th, last entry at 4pm
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The Titanic Family Day is an opportunity to explore the museum's exhibitions at a special discounted rate. Come along and get 50% of regular entrance prices. The Family Day coincides with the 106th anniversary of the day the RMS Titanic struck an ice berg, on 14th April 1912. The ship had departed from Southampton on the 10th of April and was only 4 days into its expected 7-day journey to New York; the RMS Titanic sank a day later on April 15th 1912. The museum has one of the best Titanic exhibitions in the world, and it also features other interesting exhibits exploring Southampton's maritime history.
Cost: 50% off regular entry
All ages

All activities, except for the Titanic Family Day, must be booked in advance. To secure a spot contact the museum on 02380834536 or visit the reception desk at the museum, Tudor House & Garden or Southampton City Art Gallery . All prices for activities and workshops are generally in addition to regular museum admission. Ticket prices can be found on the SeaCity Museum website .

SeaCity Museum is open 7 days a week from 10am-5pm, including bank holidays. Last entry is at 4pm.

If you're looking for Easter specific activities, check out this guide to Easter activities and events including Easter egg hunts and the Southampton Easter Fair.

73560 - 2023-01-26 02:11:18


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