Samba Swirl Frozen Yogurt Bar

Samba Swirl Frozen Yogurt Bar


Posted 2015-03-06 by Tammy Faceyfollow

Frozen yogurt has a special place in my heart, but finding somewhere for self-serve froyo is near impossible in the UK. Or so I thought. I was in Angel over the weekend, for the first time and whilst I found myself falling in love with this part of north London, I was drawn in to the less-than-standard froyo shop: Samba Swirl.

Samba is one of a few chains across Islington, and as I walked in, on that Sunday morning, Samba Swirl did not disappoint. It has a bright inside and self-serve (!) frozen yogurt machines with a number of flavours to choose from. Yum.

I was torn between the green tea, cacao flavour and red velvet. I settled on the vanilla and acai, serving myself, which I could see little ones love.

There was a table of kids to the left who were excitedly announcing which flavour they chose and saying how much they served themselves - it's clearly a hit, being in control of how much delicious frozen yogurt you can have.

I then topped it with frozen berries and flaked almonds. It came to £6.00, which isn't bad considering I had two types of froyo and two toppings. It's certainly cheaper than other chains across London, where they control the portion sizes at least.

The staff behind the counter also told me that no matter the size, the price is capped at £7.00, so feel free to go big. It makes it perfect to share too. I could have easily added a third, or fourth froyo flavour to my pot and shared it with my sister.

The toppings were standard, but an endless mix of fruit, tapioca balls and crushed and flaked nuts. The toppings bar is ideal for little ones who like to be independent; kids can top their pots of yogurt with as many combinations as they like, but they do cost 30p per topping, so maybe treat this as a special occasion.

It was hard pulling myself away from Samba because they also sell smoothies, raw chocolates and herbal teas - it's my kind of place. It shuns the typical association with frozen yogurt, which is my experience is a stingy, pricey portion of yogurt with (tasty) toppings that the staff control.

It really is froyo your way. I'm a fan. Happy froyo-ing.

65601 - 2023-01-20 02:03:27


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