Pure Cafe
When an average lunch costs between £8 and £9.00, it's any wonder why people don't bring their own. However, if you're stuck for lunch and happen to be in Soho, like I was last week, you might just stumble across
Pure cafe , which typifies the speed of London life and makes a very good lunch.
Pure because they serve a 70% raw food menu. Salads are apparently (I didn't see the kitchen, so it could be from a bag), are made up of market bought produce and they make their own salad dressings on site.
The beetroot, feta, pea and mint salad was admittedly delicious. Packaged in a small, portable tub, it's the perfect size to fit in your bag. Refreshingly the beetroot wasn't pickled in vinegar, but simply boiled and seasoned with a little oil and black pepper.
The counters get busy, especially the salad bar. I guess for a decent salad in the centre £5.95 isn't bad, but I thought it was a little pricey. My mini beetroot snack was a bargain £1.29, however.
At midday it is bustling with customers, and though it's not very big staff seem to get you 'in and out' within minutes. They actively make eye contact with people who haven't been served, but they aren't exactly the friendliest either; its not somewhere you want to dawdle, or chew over the menu, they have people to serve and speed is of the essence.
If you are in the area, pop in, order your food and take a seat. The free wifi along with a buzzing atmosphere makes for a perfect 'working on your laptop' environment, as I found when I whizzed through my emails and tucked into my snack.
63479 - 2023-01-20 01:38:17