Polka Theatre's Autumn Season

Polka Theatre's Autumn Season


Posted 2013-08-30 by Bastion Harrisonfollow

Fri 27 Sep 2013

The summer holidays are almost over, but it won't be long until the kids are out of school again, and looking for something to do. Get ahead of the game and find out what's on offer at the Polka Theatre over autumn and winter. There will be one original play, two children's classics, picture book adaptation, a game show, and lots of workshops.

The Planet and Stuff
27th September - 26th October, £8-£12, 9-13 year olds

Climate change is something that is going to affect the next generation more strongly than anyone else. They will have to live with the consequences of our actions. It is only natural, therefore, that they have questions.

The Polka Theatre is giving them that chance in a fun fact-packed game show with live action science demonstrations, an post-show talk on the 12th October.

16th October - 15th February, £8-£10, 1-5 year olds

Celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of Anthony Brown's picture book, this eponymous adaptation uses puppetry to tell a charming tale about a little girl's toy gorilla that comes to life, and takes her on a night time adventure.

There are two types of performances; one for three to fives, and an abridged version designed for under twos.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
22nd November - 15th February, £10-£16, 6-11 year olds

This classic children's favourite will have a post-show talk on the 7th December, and runs in conjunction with a special after-school course called Create and Perform. It costs £75-£85 depending on the age of the child, and will include behind the scenes insight about the characters, costumes, and props. Children will also put on their own version of the show.

Tea Time
30th October - 2nd November, £8-£12, 4-7 year olds

A chance for kids to play with their food. There will be songs, music, dance, and games.

Treasure Island
7th-9th November, £8-£12, 7 plus

This re-telling of Robert Louis Stevenson's pirate adventure takes a modern twist as a supermarket transforms into Treasure Island and carrots turn into parrots.

Holiday Workshops

Over the October half-term the kids can create their own stop-motion Halloween Scene , and give audiences Stage Fright when they learn how to make blood, wounds, and scars; they can also Make a Monster for a shadow puppet show.

The Christmas holiday will give children the chance to create a Play in a Day and dance the Snowflake Shake .

!date 27/09/2013 -- 15/09/2013
63619 - 2023-01-20 01:39:56


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