Ping Pong Restaurant

Ping Pong Restaurant


Posted 2012-09-17 by xinjxnaxfollow
Being a bit of a fiend for Dim Sum, it is hard for me to write an unbiased review about in London. Whereas most of my experiences of Dim Sum prior to my visit had been in non-specialised establishments, Ping Pong changed everything by catering solely towards it. Dim Sum refers to a style of Chinese cooking that is prepared as small, or bite-sized individual portions.

It is worth noting that Ping Pong is situated in a variety of places throughout central London, from St Katharine Docks to Westbourne Grove. You can find out the #locations ">nearest one to you here .

The venue in Soho provides a very laid back atmosphere, with large tables and music making it a perfect place to meet with a group of friends or colleagues. The amount of seating is impressive and generally around lunch and dinner it fills up, predominantly with people on their lunch breaks or who have finished work. The busy atmosphere combined with the music creates a bustle that some establishments fail to accomplish, and is one of the key ingredients for allowing you to take a more relaxed approach to your meal.

The menu, however, is the biggest selling point for Ping Pong. It features an extensive list of various types of Dim Sum, catering to all preferences. On top of the food they offer various drinks, from cocktails to beer and other beverages. You might say that the standard of food is no better than any other restaurant you have been to, but what really appeals is the way it's all carried out. Your menu is a paper list, and you go down placing ticks in the boxes next to the food you want, you then hand the menu to the person serving you and wait for you food. Again this adds to the whole laid back feeling and takes away the whole process of dealing with each individual order. It also makes the whole aspect of sharing food easier, as people take what they want, when they want.

You can check out the menu #eat_and_drink ">on their website. As well as this you can book a table, and find out more about the features they offer.

Perhaps it is this novelty that really makes so unique. On top of this you have great food and a great atmosphere near Oxford Street, right in the heart of London. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who visits London and is looking for somewhere to eat.

61562 - 2023-01-20 01:18:51


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