Ort Cafe's Themed Eve
Ort Cafe never fails to impress with its fun and quirky events, their next being no different. Marking the end of the summer with a probing question - What makes us human; Musical seminar with Kieran Graham.
It is bordering on the profound because while Ort Cafe boast a selection of events that are 'fun', 'deep' is cool, and they 'feel the rain' as their manager mentioned to me once.
The seminar will be a weekly occurrence because you can't answer such a question in one sitting. Digging deep and unearthing the questions you've always wanted to know, will be the pro: Kieran, a musical teacher, and musician whose interests lie in the relationship between the rhythms and the way we are.
Sounds like your kind of thing? Trot along to the free seminar. We could all do with a mind-screw, or mind-clearer. Sometimes it is nice to go places you'd never even consider, and you come out the other end with a sense of clarity. That is what I'm hoping to 'get' out of the seminar anyway. See you at 7:30pm.
67294 - 2023-01-26 01:21:47