Odeon IMAX Cinema, Wimbledon

Odeon IMAX Cinema, Wimbledon


Posted 2013-01-20 by Bastion Harrisonfollow
The Odeon is one of the largest cinema chains in Europe. The one in Wimbledon is located on The Broadway and as it has little to no competition you can expect to pay high prices. Even at Super Saver times (Mondays - Thursdays before 5pm) you will have to fork out £8.60 for an adult ticket. You want to see a film in 3D? Add an extra £2 to the price, and an extra £4.50 for the IMAX experience. Go at peak times, and seeing a movie will cost you a small fortune. One way to save a bit of money is to join the Premier Club. With a premier club card you earn ten points for every £1 spent. Eight hundred points will earn you a standard ticket, but you can also use them to buy snacks and drinks.

The main foyer is on the first floor, where you can buy your tickets, but for some reason, you can no longer purchase them from the official ticket booth. Instead you have to go to the snack counter. I don't know exactly why this is; my only guess is that they do not have enough staff to run both tills. In some ways, this arrangement is convenient because if you want snacks, you only have to line up once. On the one hand, it can be rather annoying. At the main counter, you could see which seats were available on the computer and choose where you want to sit, but at the snack counter you just get what you are given. The last time I went, I was actually asked where I wanted to sit, but although stating 'middle isle', I was given seats at the very back of the room.

If you don't like queuing, then you can always book tickets online , but it is not easy because their website is a mess. Adverts litter the page and overlap half the text so you can't read anything. A lot of the time I have trouble just logging in. However, If you do manage to book online, you can save time by using one of the terminals on the ground floor to collect your tickets.

Also in the foyer is a Ben & Jerry's ice cream parlour. There are tables and chairs so you can sit and eat, but why you would want to eat your snacks before you watch your film, I'm not quite sure. There are also a couple of fun fair and arcade machines like the claw, where you can attempt (and of course fail) to win a soft movie related toy. For a £1 you can also sit in one of their vibrating massage chairs. I can't say I ever seen them being used; I doubt that many people are comfortable 'vibrating' in public.

If you can find a smaller cinema chain nearby, then I would recommend going there to save money, but otherwise, you will still enjoy your time at the Odeon.

62373 - 2023-01-20 01:26:43


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