Noah's Art at Orleans House Gallery

Noah's Art at Orleans House Gallery


Posted 2013-03-07 by Sandra Lawsonfollow

Sat 09 Feb 2013 - Sun 28 Apr 2013

Mark de Novellis has curated a thought provoking exhibition called Noah's Art at Orleans House Gallery in Twickenham. As the name implies, it is dedicated solely to animals and is an eclectic mix of works constructed from several different mediums. It hinges on a model of a Noah's Ark, complete with eighteen pairs of animals, supplied by Wonder in Wood , the German Christmas Shop

Displayed around the ark on the lower floor, as well as on the upper gallery, are paintings, collages, drawings, photographs, caricatures and sculptures. It's hard to describe some of the constructions as imagination has worked hand-in-glove with artistic talent. I was unable to take a decent photo of a crocheted robin that was perched on a branch, but I'm sure you will agree that the Raboon, pictured below, is somewhat intimidating. It was devised by Janec van Veen and is a hare with a baboon's jaw and tongue. You mustn't touch, but it seems as if it's just about to bite you if you get too close.

To balance the ark downstairs, Mark has assembled a Cabinet of Curiosities on the upper floor. This will keep you occupied for ages while you try to identify all the animals and insects, including some ingenious ones constructed from unusual and interesting materials. See if you can spot St Francis of Assisi when you are there.

Among my favourite exhibits are two collages: Rooks Among Celandines created by Amanda Richardson

and Peacock, put together by Jane Perkins from buttons and various found objects.

The illustrations on here do them no favours as the colours and fabrics add another dimension. There is also a small painting by Marc Chagall, one of Mark's personal possessions; make sure you don't miss it.

Orleans House Gallery runs regular workshops for all ages, including people with learning disabilities, and some of their works are also on display at the exhibition.

!date 09/02/2013 -- 28/04/2013
62698 - 2023-01-20 01:30:10


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