Make Good Empire Day of the Dead Workshop
Mon 03 Nov 2014
Good Empire is a an events company that offer craft classes for corporate events, hen parties, and any other sort of celebration you may have. They also run 'Make Good' workshops for the general public that are held at various venues. Activities can include making piñatas, masks, popup cards, and paper decorations, as well as book binding, typography, block printing, and 'pimp my pumps'. Make Good also hold special themed parties, and considering the time of year, it does not take a genius to work out what the next theme is. I'll give you two guesses.
If you guessed Halloween, then you'd be wrong, but if you guessed its closely related Mexican cousin, then you get a gold star. Once you have finished carving good old Jack the pumpkin head, why not try your hand at creating another spooky face for the Mexican Day of the Dead.
For £12 on the 3rd November, you can attend a jewellery and Papel picador
workshop at The Book Club on Leonard Street. From 7pm - 9pm, you will get to decorate your own perspex laser-cut skull with acrylic shapes, glitter, and paint, and then turn it into a necklace, badge, or keyring. After you've finished your skull, you will then be able to decorate your home with paper bunting, as you create a traditional Papel picador.
!date 03/11/2014 -- 03/11/2014
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