Lewis Bush: The Memory of History Exhibition
Wed 17 Sep 2014 - Fri 26 Sep 2014
Young photographer Lewis Bush is recalling things which Europe is forgetting about easily.
The one million marks note, a fortune telling machine, the one euro coin, the entrance to the European Comission in Brussels and socialists monuments, These are some of the things and places that
young British photographer Lewis Bush saw and photographed on his journey through Europe. This series of photographs are displayed in the
"The Memory of History" exhibition at the office of European Union in London until September 26th. Its aim is to explore the use and abuse of the past in the context of the recession.
The whole project consists of 56 pictures as well as some writing but the exhibition presents only twenty of them. The photography project is a reminder what Europe as a collective is forgetting and about things from the past that come up to the surface in times when the economy slows down. Lewis Bush took the pictures during his journey to different European countries in 2012 when the euro zone crisis was at its peak. The twenty pictures presented in London show rather painful memories of wars, oppression and difficult times of transformation. But among them there are also photos which show traditional backgrounds and peculiarities of different countries, such as fortune telling machine in Thessaloniki in Greece.
Overall, the twenty pictures give an interesting insight into Europe's past, presence and future. They show a different face of the continent that we may not know from the news or, even, from our own travels. Lewis Bush captured things that are part of our every-day life and may be hidden from the eyes of outsiders. He is a young photographer who wants to show that even though countries which entered the EU over past two decades started prospering and living the life of the rest of the continent, their past is now re-emerging.
For me, as a Polish national and citizen of a country which joined the EU not so long ago and went through the times of economic boom as well as recession, the exhibition is a reminder of where I come from and what I shouldn't forget about.
!date 17/09/2014 -- 26/09/2014
65287 - 2023-01-20 01:59:33