King's College London Chapel

King's College London Chapel


Posted 2014-05-03 by Joanna Sopylo-Firrisafollow
King's College is not only a great place to study but also to pray and reflect in its stunning chapel at the Strand Campus.

at the Strand Campus is architecturally beautiful and historically rich. Located in the heart of the building is a place for students, staff and visitors to pray, read the Bible, speak to a chaplain, seek spiritual help and to submit a prayer request as well as just sit down for a moment of peace and reflection.

The chapel belongs to students' chaplaincy which organises social events, supports students in their spiritual and daily life and offers an ear to listen. No matter what time of the day, you can meet students who came to visit, walk around and admire the architecture and beauty of the place, but also those who actually come to pray and spend some time with God in between their lectures. It probably gets crowded around exam season.

We owe the chapel's current look to a Victorian architect George Gilbert Scott and a few of his successors. The original look of the place is not known though. Some changes to Scott's design were made throughout the 20th century – in early 30s when another building was constructed above and in late 40s after war damage, but at the beginning of this century, works were carried out to bring back the most of Scott's design.

The chapel is divided into a few parts: Sanctuary, South & North chapel, South Wall and West Door and magnificent organs. Important part of its décor is the stained glass window scheme. Windows depict characters from Old and New Testament as well as scenes from Christ's life. The latter ones relate in some way to the mission of the school and its different faculties. There is Christ in the carpenter's shop, Christ and the lawyers, Christ healing the sick, Christ teaching the people and the crucifixion.

The chapel offers not only Anglican services but also a Catholic Mass and Orthodox Vespers depending on the day of the week. There are also concerts and cultural events taking place in this beautiful space throughout the year. Watch the space especially around Easter and Christmas for special events and live concerts. And next time you're around The Strand, visit the chapel to see its beauty with your own eyes and to stop for a moment of reflection in a busy day. It'll be easier to go forward.

64624 - 2023-01-20 01:51:50


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