Join the Outdoor Swimming Society's December Dip
Sat 08 Dec 2012
The Outdoor Swimming Society does exactly what it says on the tin – go for dips in the great outdoors. Come rain or shine, hail or blizzard, they'll be there at the water's edge, stripped down to one garment short of their birthday suit, rubbing their hands together with glee (and possibly to keep warm) as they eye the water in the same way that a famished Inuit might eye a freshly cooked fish.
The most testing swim of the year for members of the
Outdoor Swimming Society comes in December, when temperatures plummet and the air turns icy cold. Ah, yes, that means the water turns icy cold too.
The special swim, nicknamed the December Dip, is now in its sixth year – and you're invited to take part.
This year's event takes place on Saturday 8th December at the Parliament Hill Lido located on the edge of Hampstead Heath, with hundreds of swimmers expected to join in the freezing cold fun.
According to the Outdoor Swimming Society's website, the water will probably be between 0.1 and 6 degrees Celsius – in other words,
#%*&$*% cold ! Can you handle it?
"The plunge is guaranteed to get the blood pumping, skin tingling and make everyone high for the rest of the day (if not the whole weekend)," say the organisers.
By all accounts, it'll be a fun few hours, with all participants receiving a unique December Dip swimming hat as well as tasty hot drinks, mince pies and "a sneaky warming tipple" after you jump out of the water at the end of the swim.
The wintry swim usually covers two widths of the pool (56 metres) though anyone who really wants to push themselves can attempt two entire lengths (120 metres).
If you fancy ending the year by doing something out of the ordinary, then this could be just the ticket.
Check out the Outdoor Swimming Society's
dedicated webpage for more information on the December Dip and full details on how to sign up.
[Top image: The Outdoor Swimming Society ; bottom image: Trev M ]
!date 08/12/2012 -- 08/12/2012
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