Introduction to Language @ Conway Hall
Sat 15 Mar 2014
Did you learn a language at school, give it up, never use it, and then forget everything but bonjour and merci? That's pretty much what happened to me with French. While I can't say I regret not sticking with it, it would be nice to be able to speak a second language. Not only can it make you feel more intellectual than your mono-lingual friends, but it is a big bonus on your CV. Then of course, there are all the impressed looks you'll get when you go on holiday. The locals appreciate someone who has taken the time to learn their language. Even if you don't want to do it for them, it is a whole lot easier navigating when you can read the sign posts.
If you would like to learn a new language, but not sure if you are ready to take a full course, then
Lingua Diversa have several introductory lessons for only £5. These one hour sessions won't make you fluent, but it might be enough to bluff your way through a trip abroad, and if you take a liking to it, you can sign up to a full course.
The classes are run at
Conway Hall by Red Lion Square on the 15th March. There are four languages to choose from, all at different times, so if you can't decide, why not go for the whole kit and caboodle?
Italian - 11.30am-12.30pm
German - 12.45pm-1.45pm
Brazilian-Portuguese - 2pm-3pm
Spanish - 3.15pm-4.15pm
!date 15/03/2014 -- 15/03/2014
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