Imperial Festival 2013
Wed 03 Apr 2013 - Thu 04 Apr 2013
[ADVERT]Imperial College in London is well known as a centre for the study of science subjects, but the 2013
Imperial Festival is also offering visitors a mix of the arts too. If you still think that science is too boring to interest you, some of the events planned for the weekend of 3 and 4 May include Sex and Bugs and Rock 'n 'Roll: an activity tent exploring how ladybirds hunt for aphids and why bees wiggle; life-saving demonstrations performed by the St John Ambulance Society and Open Air Laboratories' (OPAL) will present activities that include forecasting the weather and creating a tornado.
Guesting at the Festival will be Sir Isaac Newton on a skateboard; Dr Gripenerve, a nineteenth-century quack; George, a thirteen foot mechanical dragon
and Dr Simon Foster and his Physics Buskers.
If you still think this is a Festival for boffins, let me remind you that entertainment will consist of music, belly-dancing
and comedy, including Helen Arney
and Adam Kay, who has been endorsed by Stephen Fry.
Perhaps I should let the Festival organisers explain everything for themselves.
!date 03/04/2013 -- 04/04/2013
63004 - 2023-01-20 01:33:14