Illuminate at Southside Birmingham

Illuminate at Southside Birmingham


Posted 2013-10-25 by Tammy Faceyfollow

Fri 25 Oct 2013 - Sun 27 Oct 2013

Illuminate in Southside is a three-day showcase of dance projection and light artworks in the Gay Village, near The Arcadian.

There has never been anything like this in Birmingham before, and it will quite literally light up this side of the city. A 'film igloo', street projections and the Lanterns of Terracotta Warriors from Shanghai are just some of the events which will be taking place. Le Truc will serve special cocktails and hot dogs.

Starting at 6pm, Illuminate comes to life, with Mr Wilson's Second Liners Band, who will begin a gentle introduction to the show by leading a glowing procession down to the Gallan Car Park (Hurst Street), where Echolalia will take place. The procession takes 30 minutes, so you've got time to secure an ideal viewing spot for the Echolalia performance. The choreographers Sonia Sabri and new media artist Andy McKeown have created a performance which works with projections are layered with movement, gesture, colour, shadow and sound. I know it sounds a little abstract, but have faith, and you'll be impressed. Plus, once the performance is over you'll get the chance to 'explore the lighting environment and create shadows and shapes of your own.' I've a feeling kids will love this.

It might seem like you don't know where to look first, but whichever end you start at, there will be bright lights, and cool activities which make it kid-friendly and the perfect evening out for families.

All attractions are within a five minute walk of the theatre and each other.

The Echolalia performance finishes at 8.30pm, so it's not too late if you plan on bringing little ones with you. See it as a fun treat, plus because it's free, you don't have to stay if you're not enjoying yourself, but I don't you'll be able to pull away from the exciting activities, and of course, the Echolalia finale.

Grown ups who are planning on visiting the event, make an evening of it and watch FlameOz in
Hippodrome Square. The latest performance is at 9pm (until 9.30pm), so you can still catch it if you're stuck at the office.

FlameOz is basically fire dancing, but in a more stylised, choreographed, performance-worthy manner. Special effects and LED technology has been employed to boost the wow factor. This particular show is perfect if you want to impress someone (first date, perhaps?), or you want to start your evening with something more exciting than a trip to your local. Fire dancing, and golden shapes against the back drop of a nights sky will surely leave you speechless.

!date 25/10/2013 -- 27/10/2013
67473 - 2023-01-26 01:23:00


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