Hugglets Winter BearFest 2023

Hugglets Winter BearFest 2023


Posted 2023-01-19 by Bastion Harrisonfollow

Sun 26 Feb 2023

Returning for 2023, Hugglets Winter BearFest will take place at Kensington Town Hall on the 26th February. Tickets can be bought on the day at the door for £6 or online in advance for £7.06, with all children under 16 gaining free admittance. Members also receive free entry with an additional 'plus one' guest.

Joining the Hugglets Club has other benefits too, including tickets to all Hugglets annual events, the Hugglets Teddy Bear Guide , early entry, a raffle ticket for a chance to win £100 Hugglets gift voucher, and access to a members-only Facebook group.

Although I have been a member for a while, last event was the first time I made use of the early entry bonus. Standard entry is at 11:30 am, but members can go in at 10:30 am, and it made a big difference to my experience.

When I joined the queue, a bucket of chocolates was handed down the line as a treat while we all waited. The wait is not very long at all, because as soon as the doors open, the line moves very quickly. Once inside, I found it so much easier to move around and see everything on the table because there were no crowds; I could look at my leisure without having to be conscious of letting other people get a view.

Stalls feature stockists and teddy bear artists from all over the world, as well as auction houses, bear-making suppliers, and a cafe where you can buy refreshments. Teddy BearFest runs until 4pm and during that time, an hourly raffle is called, giving you the chance to win gift vouchers that can be used at any stall and any Hugglets event.

There is a great variety to suit all collectors, including vintage & antiques, new bears in a traditional style, and some very modern quirky designs. You can find much loved characters such as Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear, along with original one-of-a-kinds.

#kensington -and-chelsea
!date 26/02/2023 -- 26/02/2023
66668 - 2023-01-20 02:15:17


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