Get Fit in Manchester

Get Fit in Manchester


Posted 2018-01-03 by Jay Johnsonfollow
If your new year's resolution was to get fit you may be already wondering how you can stick to this goal. Getting healthy and exercising more is a popular resolution, after indulging on more treats than usual you might want to commit to getting fit, so here are some ways you can do that in Manchester.

Join a Gym

With hundreds of gyms in Manchester you are literally spoilt for choice when it comes to where to work out. For those on a budget The Gym Group have memberships from £16.99 and Pure Gym have even cheaper prices from £12.99 per month. Both these city centre gyms offer no contracts so you are not tied into a membership. This is perfect for kick starting your New Years fitness resolution without the fear of having to keep it up all year. If you'd rather try different gyms to see which one you prefer before committing to any one location why not try using Pay As You Go Gyms , a website where you can buy a day pass to most gyms in Manchester getting the best prices and special offers. This is a great way to find out if going to a gym is the best way for you to stick to your fitness goals.

Get Outdoors

If gyms are not for you there are plenty of parks around Manchester where you can walk, run and explore in order to get fit. Park Lives is a great website where you can see what activities are taking place at your local park. All activities are free perfect if you don't want to pay out money to get fit and you can get involved in a range of fun events from running to tai chi. If you don't like group exercise classes you can simply explore the parks yourself, they are perfect places to walk or run. Take in the beautiful scenery of parks like Heaton Park and Debdale Park, Manchester has so many open spaces for you to explore so grab your trainers and set off exploring you won't even notice you are getting fit in the process.

Eat Healthy

After indulging over Christmas you may be craving a smoothie and a healthy meal. New Years resolutions spur people on to make lifestyle changes. With so many great healthy places to eat in Manchester you can get inspiration from cafes and restaurants which are serving 'clean' food. Kettlebell Kitchen is one example of a place which prides itself on serving clean, nutritious, protein packed food.

Popular with the gym crowd this is a great spot to learn what foods are good for your body and have a quick, healthy lunch rather than relying on junk food. January is also a time where many people try going vegan with the Veganuary challenge . If you've been considering trying out the cruelty free lifestyle January is the perfect time to start as eating healthy, plant based foods can help your fitness goals and improve your eating habits. Plus there are several vegan places in Manchester where you can eat. Alongside most high street eateries which now serve vegan options there are also places which specialise in vegan food like Go Falafel and the Manchester Vegan Centre. Earth Cafe is a great place to try as the homemade food is made using seasonal ingredients, fresh vegetables and is all vegan. Eating well is the best way to ensure you stick to your fitness goals.

Sticking to your resolutions is not easy to do but eating well and exercising whether in the gym or outdoors is the best way to kick start your fitness in 2018. Good luck getting fit this New Year.

71238 - 2023-01-26 01:52:23


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