Free Lectures @ LSE in October

Free Lectures @ LSE in October


Posted 2012-09-29 by Matthew Cookfollow

Mon 01 Oct 2012 - Wed 31 Oct 2012

If someone were to search for me in a crowded room they would first have to find the book my face would inevitably be snuggled in. In short I love to read, at points it doesn't matter about what, just the acquisition of random knowledge just seems enjoyable. Yet a book can sometimes only be as good as its reader, and an enthusiastic personified perspective can illuminate the most complex of ideas.

And the most varied and ultimately cost effective method of experiencing a number of quality debates and talks can be found at The LSE. Throughout October there will be a bounty of subjects to ogle at, causing you to place your snuggle book down for a short while.

From Free thinking Arab spring discussions to interviews with John McCain, the assorted selection of these lectures cannot fail to spark at least a modicum of interest. To help you enter the world of LSE lectures I will overview a few of the 56 events forthcoming this October.

South Sudan - The Path Back From War %%**
Date: Tuesday 2 October 2012
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: New Theatre, East Building
Speaker: Aggrey Tisa Sabuni

In this intriguing talk Aggrey Tisa Sabuni, the economic adviser to the Sudanese president, discusses the difficult paths to follow when building a solid government in this region and how the international community's role affects this process. With a global eye on the progression of South Sudan and a hope of a successful transition into healthy governance, this promises to be a truly enlightening discussion.

**%%The Crisis Always Rings Twice
%%**Date: Monday 8 October 2012
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Peacock Theatre, Portugal Street, LSE campus
Speaker: Professor Manuel Castells
Chair: Paul Mason
Free advanced booking required (1per person)
Following the publication of 'Aftermath: The Cultures of the Economic Crisis' one of the editors of this publication Professor Manuel Castells will give an analytical presentation of the books findings. Covering the initial financial crises of 2008 Professor Castells will relate the policies that attempted to deal with this turn of events and the resultant chaos and social movements opposing the currant state of financial capitalism.

A Conversation with Senator John McCain%%**

Date: Wednesday 10 October 2012
Time: 2-3pm
Venue: LSE campus, venue tbc to ticket holders
Speaker: John McCain
Chair: Dr Munir Majid
Free advanced booking is required (1 per person)

What more can I say? Care to have a chance to ask a questionto an ex Presidential candidate on the eve of the Presidential election? I'm there will bells on. With an 'interactive Q&A session you'll have a chance to quiz the republican perspective on the currant state of American politics, or you could ask him if he likes cheesy puffs, who cares the choice is yours.

Freethinking, Secularism and the Arab Spring
Date: Monday 15 October 2012
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building
Speaker: Professor Aziz Al-Azmeh

Aziz Al-Azmeh a Professor in the School of History at the Central European University will attempt to clarify in his own words the relationship between religion and polity in the Arab World since the aftermath of the past two years. This is an interesting opportunity to receive an up to date perspective, from a respected Professor.

When China Met Africa **
Date: Wednesday 31 October 2012
Time: 6.30-8.30pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

Speakers: Dr Chris Alden, Nick Francis, Professor Jude Howell
Touted by The Times as "a rare grass roots view into one of the most important economic challenges of our age" This trio of speakers consisting of Chris Alden (International Relations at LSE), Nick Francis (Co-Director of Speakit Films) and Jude Howell (Professor of international development) offers an insight into China's expanding footprint as this global power ever increases.

These five examples are only a few of the free offerings LSE gifts us this October. In an age of freely available information and the self educated generation gains pace, the need for interactive debate, face to face dialog with academics and experienced parties is a great step in the evolving globally engaged society. These talks to gather a large audience so make sure you book far enough in advance when needed, and turn up bright and early to those talks that don't offer the booking option.

!date 01/10/2012 -- 31/10/2012
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