Eden Project and Morecambe Bay

Eden Project and Morecambe Bay


Posted 2022-02-18 by David Keyworthfollow

Eden is on course for Morecambe , in 2024. Lancaster City Council unanimously approved plans for the environmental complex, on a former industrial site, which later became the Bubbles leisure complex. Eden's shell-like domes would be built on derelict land, on the promenade, off Marine Road next to the Midland Hotel.

The project team are waiting on their request to the UK government for £70m of public investment toward the £125m project.

The website states: "Eden Project North will combine exhibits, performance, learning, play, immersive experiences, world-class horticulture, live music, art, food, beverage and retail spaces, all integrated as essential parts of the overall experience."

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, David Harland, chief executive of Eden Project International enthused about "a feast of renewable technologies." driven by the 'natural rhythms' of Morecambe Bay, which will create 'green-collar jobs'.

On Morecambe, he said: "Like many British seaside towns of the 1970s, cheap air travel saw its decline and what we're doing is trying to reimagine the seaside resort for the 21st century, inspiring people by the wonder of the natural world and health and well-being."

He added: "The [Morecambe Bay] water can come in at the speed of a galloping horse and oft it has been known as a place of fear. We'd like to change that into a place of wonder and awe."

In 2004, 23 migrant workers from China's Fujian province drowned on a sandbank at the bay. They were working as cockle pickers. They were employed by a gangmaster who was subsequently convicted of manslaughter and breaking immigration laws.

The tragedy inspired Ten Thousand Waves by Isaac Julien , seen at Manchester's Whitworth Art Gallery in 2018.

Ahead of the arrival of Eden Project North, a 12-acre wildflower habitat in Morecambe, will be sown in March 2022. The project is a partnership between the Eden Project and PlayStationUK. The announcement ties in with the launch of the game Horizon Forbidden West, which features vivid scenes of the natural world amidst a post-apocalyptic world.

Cornwall's Eden Project Biomes were illuminated, to announce the natural enterprise, 'as a representation of Aloy's Shieldwing that features in Horizon Forbidden West'.

Eden Project is an educational charity and social enterprise. Their first site, in Cornwall, opened in March 2001 on a 60 metres deep sterile clay pith. It hosted the G7 summit in June 2021 . It has also been a music venue, for acts including Pulp, Oasis, Amy Winehouse, Kylie, Elton John, Queens of the Stone Age and Björk.

Eden's international plans are focused on:

The Meta region, Colombia, aimed at being "a model for the rest of the world to emulate, demonstrating that conserving biodiversity" in "one of the most biodiverse countries in the world."

The regeneration of a dry tropical forest on the Nicoya Peninsula on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica "encouraging the return of wildlife (including jaguars and tapirs) and work with the local communities to create a region that is sustainable both environmentally and economically."

In China, a project in Qingdao themed around water and also one at a former limestone quarry in Jizhou, Tianjin. This development has the aim of demonstrating a "new mixed economy based on recycling, growing, sharing and re-purposing%%".

A 'world class eco-tourism attraction' at a former coal mine in Anglesea, Australia, projected to create more than 1,300 new jobs.

The Avonside Loop in Christchurch, New Zealand that forms part of the wider & #332 ;t& #257 ;karo Avon River corridor. Eden Project Aotearoa is described as a 'multi-sensory world', at a former residential area, cleared following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.

A "unique visitor destination that will also act as a hub for residents and local community alike", at the site of a historical industrial accident in Graniteville, USA.

The ecological regeneration of Lake Chad, at the crossroads of Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic, Niger and Nigeria. "This work will demonstrate how ecological restoration can create social and economic resilience in small, vulnerable communities."

In the UK, it is also working towards an immersive 'underground cathedral' in a 'subterranean labyrinth' within a complex of mine tunnels in Portland, Dorset.

In Dundee, Eden plans the regeneration of former Gasworks, drawing on the history of the city's history of Nine Incorporated Trades, with the prospect of 200 new jobs (with an additional 300 indirectly created) and pumping £27m per year to the regional economy. A wildflower meadow will be planted in advance of the construction work.

In Northern Ireland, Eden could come to a site in Derry~Londonderry, transforming the banks of the River Foyle with a "series of walled gardens to create opportunities to learn, engage, explore and play."

71427 - 2023-01-26 01:53:37


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