Discover Stratford-upon-Avon
To visit Stratford-upon-Avon, or not to visit?
The question is Shakespearian, and the answer is simple. Of course! When in England, with the chance to visit the birthplace of English literature's hero, one would be quite the fool to pass it up.
Whether you're an extreme literature enthusiast or someone who heard the name Shakespeare thrown at them during high school English classes, you would have to be close to deaf to not know the name. World-famous plays and iconic quotes are all part of Shakespeare's legacy and Stratford-upon-Avon in the rural Warwickshire countryside is where this literary genius flourished.
A short train ride from Birmingham will land you in this adorably quaint English town. Your feet will guide you through the crooked cobble-stoned streets towards Shakespeare's home, Anne Hathaway's cottage and the church where Shakespeare was buried.
72980 - 2023-01-26 02:06:43
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