Crabbing at Littlehampton
They might provide hours of time wasting on your android phone but getting your paws on the real deal is a surprisingly titillating experience, especially when beating your personal best! Welcome my friends to the fascinating world of 'Crabbing'; the fun filled and highly competitive sport that had my daughter and I entertained for hours on end during the recent summer holidays.
The rules of the game are simple – catch as many crabs as you can and then throw them all back in the sea. For those concerned for the welfare of our crusty little pals, any crabbers found brandishing hooks or other such pointed objects are fined a substantial amount of crab bait.
While indulging in this highly addictive briny sport it is imperative that you feign interest in the bucket of your neighbouring crabber, all the while discussing the following points:
1. How many crabs in your bucket
2. How many crabs in their bucket
3. What bait they used
4. What bait you used
So simple but I assure you it's the most fun you will ever have with a piece of stale bacon.
The tools of the trade are pretty simple too: a bucket and a crab line (sold at every kitsch seaside shop), a bit of stale bacon or fish and before you know it you will be hooked.
We chose to drop ours at the lovely seaside town of
Littlehampton , a 1.5 hr train journey from Old Blighty.
Naturally, we took great delight in proudly displaying our hefty catch, of no less than 14 crabs, to all and sundry. We anticipate a higher score on our next sojourn, and whatever you get we will double it.
60488 - 2023-01-20 01:10:30