Chroma Jewellery Collective
Sat 18 Jan 2014 - Sat 07 Jun 2014
is a group of four women who design and make contemporary jewellery. Their work, which uses materials including spray paint, comic books and rubber gloves, is on show in this colourful exhibition.
The designers are united in the shared goal to create vibrant statement jewellery.
Amy Logan, Lana Crabb, Ruth Laird and Amanda Trimmer are the talented designers behind the creative pieces, which are on show at the JQ.
The Museum of the Jewellery Quarter is supporting the designers with the unusually titled exhibition.
As part of the stipulation, the designer must use unusual and colourful materials not found in traditional jewellery such as spray paint, powder-coated metal, comic books and even rubber gloves.
I think it's a wonderful idea, and it will certainly keep my curious niece busy for at least half an hour, as she guesses how the designers made jewellery without, silver gold, or a diamond in sight.
!date 18/01/2014 -- 07/06/2014
67688 - 2023-01-26 01:24:27