Christmas Past Exhibition
Tue 26 Nov 2013 - Sun 05 Jan 2014
How do you spend your Christmas? We each have our own family traditions, but there are those little rituals that are universal to all who celebrate this special holiday. Traditions are time-honoured, but that does not mean they do not change. How we celebrate Christmas now is different to how we celebrated it a hundred years ago.
At the Geffrye Museum you can discover the similarities and differences by visiting their
, which is open until the 5th January. The exhibition isn't just a gallery with a few artefacts; the museum has gone all out to decorate every room according to the period it represents. Explore four hundred years of Christmas, and discover how the middle classes celebrated the festive season. Learn about the origins of some of our much loved traditions, such as kissing under the mistletoe, hanging up stockings, decorating the tree, and sending cards. There will be events for both adults and children:
7th December
Squeaking and Squawking Decorations - a free crafts workshop for children 2-16 years old. There will also be carol singing during the day.
14th December
Christmas Past in Focus - a free formal talk for adults about Christmas traditions in the Edwardian period.
!date 26/11/2013 -- 05/01/2014
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