Bungee Jump in London

Bungee Jump in London


Posted 2011-04-02 by Trev Mfollow
If we play a game of tennis, it's sensible to wear a pair of shorts. If we swim, a pair of trunks would be the obvious choice. If we go cycling, the Lycra could be called upon. And if we do a bungee jump , we might well find ourselves reaching for the brown pair of trousers.

Bungee jumping first gained widespread popularity in New Zealand back in the 1980s when a group of Kiwis got together and decided that rugby and cricket just wasn't dangerous enough.

A ball as hard as a piece of rock not dangerous enough? A sport where burly men bulldoze one another out of the way, almost dislocating the necks of anyone daring to try to stop them not dangerous enough? Apparently not.

So one day someone looked at a bridge a long way off the ground, and then at a piece of elastic lying on the floor, and came up with a terrifying idea.

The conversation may well have gone something like this:
A: I'm going to jump off that bridge over there.
B: What?!? are you crazy?!?
A: No. I'm going to tie that piece of elastic to the bridge and attach it to my waist before I jump.
B: Excellent idea.

And so bungee jumping was born.

For thrill seekers around the world, it is still a popular way to get the heart racing to a speed way faster than what it was built for. Plummeting towards the ground at a high velocity tends to have that effect.

Commercial bungee jumping operators can usually be found on high bridges with roaring rivers far below, or on outcrops of steep-sided cliffs and mountains.

It's not often you see them in cities, though more recently operators are finding venues to make it happen. Yes, now you can bungee jump in London.

For starters, there are several dates available through the year to bungee jump in the shadow of Tower Bridge . The crane will take you to a knee-knocking height of 160ft from where you will leap into the abyss and enjoy a view of London from many different perspectives in a matter of only a few seconds.

There are also opportunities to bungee jump beside the O2 Arena , offering great views of Canary Wharf, the Thames, and the ground hurtling towards you at 200mph.

So if museums aren't really your thing, and lazing in a park makes you restless, try a bungee jump from high above London instead.

60030 - 2023-01-20 01:06:55


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