The Book Warehouse

The Book Warehouse


Posted 2014-02-24 by Bastion Harrisonfollow

For someone who loves reading, the discovery of a new bookshop holds the same excitement as the discovery of a new planet does for an astronomer. Both are keys to an entirely new world.

I think readers have a special radar that detects bookshops from a far range, because it took me less than a minute to find on my very first visit to Islington.

I made a beeline for the pedestrian crossing, and as car after car drove by, my impatience began to grow. Come on, hurry up, do you know how many books are waiting for me across the road?

Eventually the green man stopped the traffic in its tracks, and I began my adventure. It all started at the outside table, where a poster stated that all children's books were 10% off during half term. Looks like I just made it in time.

I was very pleased to see a pile of Roald Dahl books on the table. I have bought most of his books from charity shops because I am unwilling to pay the full price. That does mean completing the collection is partly down to the luck of people's donations. Now, however I was able to get the final few first hand at a reduced price. When I saw the £3.99 label, I though this was the discount price, but when I went inside the shop and saw these yellow labels on every single book, I realised this was not the case.

It turns out that sells all its books well below the standard RRP. The more expensive the original price, the better the deal. For example, Roald Dahl's books were about a pound cheaper, but Paul Hollywood's 100 Great Breads had been reduced from £14.99 to £4.99.

The great deals just kept rolling out. Further inside, classics such as Dickens and Austen were at £2.49 each or three for £5.99. I was lucky enough to find the complete Father Brown Mysteries compilation for my mum.

As well as books, sells toys, games, cards, music, and audio poetry. This shop has all you could ask for, barring two things. A shopping basket and space.

As I travelled round, I was accumulating more and more books, and having a tough time trying to keep hold of them all. It was made even trickier by the narrow passageways, where I often found myself squeezing past or being squeezed by people. But the number of customers I had to contend with only proves how popular this place it.

64316 - 2023-01-20 01:48:31


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