Beyond Retro
Vintage shopping takes talent, patience, vision and determination, but the reward – looking good in your one of a kind duds – is worth it to the sartorially obsessed. Because the thing about shopping for vintage is that things really are pretty much one of a kind, and even if they're not, it's highly unlikely you're going to find two of the same garments in the same store at the same time. Which is why places like are worth the little bit extra on prices they command.
may seem unique and boutique – we've already discussed the uniqueness of their garments – but it's actually a juggernaut of the vintage world, because there's more than a single store. And the buyers and source-ers who uncover their treasures are a well oiled machine of taste that spans 90 years from the 1900s to the 90s. Filling their three UK stores with fashion gems in all shapes and sizes – which is where the determination and imagination come in: your perfect item may not always be the perfect fit.
They even have stores in two countries and a website in two languages (Swedish is the other – they have four stores in Sweden), so this brand has gone a long way since being one the first vintage emporiums in the Brick Lane area (before it was cool.).
59804 - 2023-01-20 01:06:02
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