Best Cafe @ Stratford

Best Cafe @ Stratford


Posted 2012-10-15 by Shubhitfollow
Stratford. Notoriously famous for the Olympics '12, and home to the new Westfield, has now risen in stature to be seen as one of the best places to shop. With plenty of national and international trains connecting the station, the traffic flow is never too less.

Once considered as one of the cheaper London areas, it has risen considerably in the amount that costs your pocket. If you have been here recently, you'd know that there are a plenty of big name cafes around. However, I am not the kind of guy who enjoys branded things to the extent of eating the same overly salty, similar tasting chicken, sold around the globe. Thus, one fine afternoon, with a hungry stomach, my search landed me in this cheap cafe - Best Cafe.

When I looked at the menu outside on the glass see-through wall, it looked like an American diner, only the menu had more things 'British' to offer. Glancing my way carefully through a number of set breakfasts and going through the tempting dinner options of the likes of roast lamb for around six quid, I finally decided to go with the 'today's special'.

I walked in to the counter, sneaking a view of a quiet family lunching together, totally aloof to the world, and placed my order to a smiling attendant. She seemed eager to take the order and politely asked me for my preference between tea and coffee. 'Tea please,' said I. Taking a corner seat, so I could still peek outside on the street through the glass door, I waited for my food to arrive. The tea came first and a few minutes later came the meal which seemed like a challenge. I couldn't believe my eyes by the sheer hearty quantity on the plate, especially because it didn't even cost me £5.

Half an hour later and after completely devouring one of the better tasting meals, I was full to the brim. I said my thanks to the lady at the counter as I paid for my meal and walked out, not forgetting to take a picture to share with you guys.

I would recommend this cafe to try out, if you want to be really stuffed on a low budget. The daily specials are a good bargain.

61762 - 2023-01-20 01:20:26


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