Atmospheres at the Museum of the History of Science
Tue 20 Nov 2012 - Sun 07 Apr 2013
Visitors to Oxford's Museum of the History of Science can enjoy not only permanent displays but also special exhibitions throughout the year.
Currently running and open until 7th April 2013, is an exhibition titled Atmospheres. The weather is something that affects us all and many have sought to understand it more.
This exhibition looks at "investigating the weather from Aristotle to Ozone". Working together with Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics as well as Oxford University's School of School of Geography and the Environment you can explore the weird and wonderful of weather research.
For budding young poets there will also be a poetry and science family friendly workshop on 12th February at 12:30pm. Run by the in house poet, children will have the chance to create their own poetry inspired by the Atmospheres collection.
!date 20/11/2012 -- 07/04/2013
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