Apollo 11 Tribute

Apollo 11 Tribute


Posted 2019-06-25 by Tony Collinsfollow

Sat 20 Jul 2019

It is almost 50 years since man first walked on the moon. And, half a century on from that historic moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo lunar module Eagle on the moon's surface on 20 July 1969, the occasion is to be commemorated and celebrated in Tamworth, Staffordshire. The countdown is on to the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon, which Tamworth Borough Council is preparing to mark by planting a brand new raised flower bed in the grounds of Tamworth Castle . The new floral display, which aims to provide an exciting tribute to the historic space occasion, will be constructed of wooden sleepers and located near the planet sculptures on the main arena of the Castle Grounds by the play area and picnic tables.

The feature will form a special tribute using a mixture of marigolds and ageratum plants and will be part of this year's Tamworth in Bloom campaign - 'Blooming Tamworth' – More than just flowers; which has a focus on celebrating everything that is great about Tamworth including its community, events and history. Joining the worldwide celebration of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Community Together CIC is also hosting an event which invites people of all ages to make their own rocket and take part in a variety of fun activities on Saturday 20 July from 11am to 4pm, in the Castle Grounds.

Councillor Simon Goodall of Tamworth Borough Council, who has been supporting the Apollo 11 anniversary celebrations, said: "While Tamworth doesn't really have a connection with the Apollo programme, I really think some life parallels can be drawn from the achievement. I feel it was a truly phenomenal feat of engineering and really goes to show what can be achieved by a group of people in such a short timescale. The new flower bed will be a fitting tribute and create a focus point for families who are visiting the park to engage with the historical event of landing on the moon."

!date 20/07/2019 -- 20/07/2019
69887 - 2023-01-26 01:42:58


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