Affordable Art Fair 2012

Affordable Art Fair 2012


Posted 2012-01-31 by Trev Mfollow

Thu 15 Mar 2012 - Sun 18 Mar 2012

Sometimes we might see a piece of art hanging in an art gallery and think, "Hmmm, that would look nice in the lounge." However, upon checking its price tag, we realise the only way we're ever going to afford it will be by putting a stocking on our head and paying the bank next door a visit in order to make a hurried withdrawal.

As such a move is highly illegal and would involve a court trial and a lengthy jail sentence, we make do instead with just looking at it and wondering how it might look in our lounge.

Well, it needn't be that way every time you set eyes on a work of art that floats your boat. You see, there's always the Affordable Art Fair , a twice-a-year gathering in Battersea Park that in its relatively short 13-year history has become a popular part of the London art scene.

Of course, what's affordable to one person might still be wallet-busting to another, but the fair is a move in the direction and will certainly be showing pieces of art more affordable than the item that caught your attention in the aforementioned art gallery.

Taking place over four days from 15th March, the Affordable Art Fair last year attracted more than 18,000 people. Everyone is welcome, you don't have to be an expert, and of course you don't even have to buy anything. However, should something be of interest, rest assured you'll not be asked to pay more than £4,000 for it. That's right, everything will be on sale for under four grand, so you might be lucky enough to walk away with something for as little as £50.

The organisers of the fair offer "a relaxed, unstuffy environment and lots of good quality contemporary art." Besides having the chance to browse an enormous amount of original art, visitors can also enjoy art-related talks and a number of hands-on activities . This year's fun-filled education theme is Fin, Fur and Feather, with anyone welcome to join in, regardless of age and ability.

The Affordable Art Fair is a wonderful way to enjoy a huge range of art by new artists, and is also a decent opportunity to make a purchase if you're on the lookout for something for your home, or a special gift. For ticket information, click here .

!date 15/03/2012 -- 18/03/2012
60765 - 2023-01-20 01:12:36


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